Narrative is a report of connected events, real or imaginary, portrayed in a sequence of written or spoken words, or still or moving images. I am going to speak about the film opening I created last year at AS level. The film is called 'Traffic Lights' and is a crime drama which follows the life of a drug smuggler. There are various theorists who talk about the importance of narrative. One theorist, Todorov, stated that in a narrative, there is a state of equilibrium at the start which is followed by a disturbance to the equilibrium (a problem which is encountered by the main characters). My film opening can conform and subvert this theory depending on what perspective you have when watching the opening. One perspective is that the protagonist ( a teenage boy ) is quite satisfied with the job he has of smuggling drugs for powerful individuals until he gets caught by police at the airport. This is a disturbance to the equilibrium because the audience feels sympathetic for the ...