1A - Research & Planning
Research and planning is essential in the creation of a satisfactory media product. The two main products I created was a film opening and a music video and evidently the research and planning between these two products was very different. At the end of the coursework, I realised the importance in research and planning and how it contributes to the final media text.
In year 12, I carried out titles research in many different films to see what content is included and in what specific order the titles arrive in. From this research, I found out that titles do not appear as soon as the opening starts. This is because the first shot is usually an establishing shot and creates the setting for the film. I used titles.com and found the opening sequence of the film Deadpool and looked at how they used innovation when placing titles for the film. Audience research was also very important for us because our film was a drama so we needed to carefully choose our target audience. Our research concluded that we should aim the film at young adults who are mature and gain pleasure from watching similar drama series which can be found on Netflix. The most important piece of research carried out prior to this film opening was narrative research. From this we looked at similar films in the same genre and took ideas from these films. One film in particular was 'The Midnight Express' and we based our film opening on this narrative because the plot contains many of the same codes which we had in mind after we decided it would be a crime/drama film.
The planning stage in year 12 included a film pitch. This was helpful because we could see what the majority of our classmates liked the most when we pitched to them our basic ideas. They really admired the crime/drama film idea therefore this is what we chose. Additionally, our planning included the creation of a storyboard. However, we found that our storyboard did not match the shots we actually gained when filming. This suggests our planning was lacking because we always challenged the shots we had placed in the storyboard - too little time was delegated to the creation of a sustainable storyboard and this caused a downfall in our overall product because some shots seemed out of place. We also produced a risk assessment which helped use avoid any hazards we might of come across while filming. Our setting was in a dark alley therefore hazards included tripping over a twig which could not be seen in the dark. The risk assessment did not really contribute to the overall product because we only had to film very few shots so we were not filming for a long period of time.
In year 13 the research for the music videos included looking at the different types of music videos. This includes concept, narrative or performance. We found that many music videos have some sort of narrative to it so we thought ours should too. Our video has a love narrative where the artist & performer 'Paleme' tries to win over his dream girl. We did this by including alternating shots of Paleme followed by this girl who he is eager to impress. Additionally, we researched similar artists to the alternative rock genre and we came across big musical influences such as Coldplay. Then we researched the different videos by the similar artists and actually went against many of these influences. This is because we wanted Paleme to have his own identity in the music industry despite being labelled as an alternative rock artist. Moreover, we had to carry out some important website & digipack research and we did this by looking at similar artists again. But this time we only looked at how they use synergy across all of their products. This allowed us to see that we needed to carry across the nature synergy in every media product we produced. From this, it is clear that the research did become more in depth over the two year duration. This is because we used research to see how we could make our artist unique and stand out from other alternative rock stars.
Planning in year 13 was also very much more complex despite having some similarities. The storyboard and risk assessment are still important however the difference is that our music video storyboard had in excess of over 75 shots. Consequently, we ensured our footage was parallel to the storyboard implying that my planning ability has increased since the end of the first year. Our risk assessment also included many more factors because we had double the amount of locations. One location was on top of a hay stack which alone equals to a number of potential dangers. This time our equipment was more delicate and expensive so our risk assessment needed to be thorough to ensure all hazards are preventable. The stealomatic production was a key part of planning because we combined our chosen track with popular music videos to see what visual ideas we could conjure. It is clear that there are more branches of research and planning which needed completing before the music video was constructed.
In summary, my development of research and planning grew over this period. I saw how important these factors are when creating a media product so I ensured more time was invested this year to benefit the group when filming and editing.
In year 12, I carried out titles research in many different films to see what content is included and in what specific order the titles arrive in. From this research, I found out that titles do not appear as soon as the opening starts. This is because the first shot is usually an establishing shot and creates the setting for the film. I used titles.com and found the opening sequence of the film Deadpool and looked at how they used innovation when placing titles for the film. Audience research was also very important for us because our film was a drama so we needed to carefully choose our target audience. Our research concluded that we should aim the film at young adults who are mature and gain pleasure from watching similar drama series which can be found on Netflix. The most important piece of research carried out prior to this film opening was narrative research. From this we looked at similar films in the same genre and took ideas from these films. One film in particular was 'The Midnight Express' and we based our film opening on this narrative because the plot contains many of the same codes which we had in mind after we decided it would be a crime/drama film.
The planning stage in year 12 included a film pitch. This was helpful because we could see what the majority of our classmates liked the most when we pitched to them our basic ideas. They really admired the crime/drama film idea therefore this is what we chose. Additionally, our planning included the creation of a storyboard. However, we found that our storyboard did not match the shots we actually gained when filming. This suggests our planning was lacking because we always challenged the shots we had placed in the storyboard - too little time was delegated to the creation of a sustainable storyboard and this caused a downfall in our overall product because some shots seemed out of place. We also produced a risk assessment which helped use avoid any hazards we might of come across while filming. Our setting was in a dark alley therefore hazards included tripping over a twig which could not be seen in the dark. The risk assessment did not really contribute to the overall product because we only had to film very few shots so we were not filming for a long period of time.
In year 13 the research for the music videos included looking at the different types of music videos. This includes concept, narrative or performance. We found that many music videos have some sort of narrative to it so we thought ours should too. Our video has a love narrative where the artist & performer 'Paleme' tries to win over his dream girl. We did this by including alternating shots of Paleme followed by this girl who he is eager to impress. Additionally, we researched similar artists to the alternative rock genre and we came across big musical influences such as Coldplay. Then we researched the different videos by the similar artists and actually went against many of these influences. This is because we wanted Paleme to have his own identity in the music industry despite being labelled as an alternative rock artist. Moreover, we had to carry out some important website & digipack research and we did this by looking at similar artists again. But this time we only looked at how they use synergy across all of their products. This allowed us to see that we needed to carry across the nature synergy in every media product we produced. From this, it is clear that the research did become more in depth over the two year duration. This is because we used research to see how we could make our artist unique and stand out from other alternative rock stars.
Planning in year 13 was also very much more complex despite having some similarities. The storyboard and risk assessment are still important however the difference is that our music video storyboard had in excess of over 75 shots. Consequently, we ensured our footage was parallel to the storyboard implying that my planning ability has increased since the end of the first year. Our risk assessment also included many more factors because we had double the amount of locations. One location was on top of a hay stack which alone equals to a number of potential dangers. This time our equipment was more delicate and expensive so our risk assessment needed to be thorough to ensure all hazards are preventable. The stealomatic production was a key part of planning because we combined our chosen track with popular music videos to see what visual ideas we could conjure. It is clear that there are more branches of research and planning which needed completing before the music video was constructed.
In summary, my development of research and planning grew over this period. I saw how important these factors are when creating a media product so I ensured more time was invested this year to benefit the group when filming and editing.
artofthetitle.com - this is a good essay do keep mentioning how much more you had to do as you had double the blog posts and quite a lot of practise with the prelims and banana phone tasks. Discuss website and digipak research and planning more in depths also how you needed to keep filming more to cut with the beat of the music.